

To get complete driving directions or a map of the area, you can use "Bing maps" or any of a dozen on-line services. Put in the address for the fairgrounds:
Use "101 Recreation Ave., Evart, MI 49631"

Or you can go directly to the map of the Evart area. When you get to the map's website, the address will be shown on the right. Click on the address and then when the black box comes up, click "zoom". The Fairgrounds is framed by 5th Street to the North, Recreation Avenue to the East, US-10 to the South, and 95th Avenue to the West. Clicking on the "Bird's Eye" view in the upper left of the screen will show you an aerial view. Put the hand in the center of the track and click. It'll take you closer.

Map of the Fairgrounds Area

Some landmarks: The fairgrounds is directly behind Foster's (the supermarket), Mancino's, is a restaurant, on the corner of Recreation and US-10, McDonald's Restaurant is across US-10 from Foster's.


Here is a detailed map of the Osceola County Fairgrounds (from the Fairgrounds website) showing the campsites:

Camping Areas

If you use the Fairgrounds' camping areas map, be sure you don't use the building numbers in which we use for workshops. (We hold two class in three of the buildings so we renumbered consecutively from 1-9.)

Or you can use a rather rough map which will show you the area of the festival where the classes are held:

Workshop Map


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