

Music Sites (of interest to musicians)
- Kitchen Musicians' Web Page -- Sara and Maynard Johnson have created this hammered Dulcimer site which features music (gif and midi format), a listing of dulcimer stores, and other dulcimer information. Excellent!
- Old Town Saginaw Music Association -- Check their website for the locations and dates of their jam sessions. This is a new organization for acoustic musicians. They meet frequently to jam in the Saginaw "Old Town" area.
- Autoharp Page -- Home of Cyberpluckers - Lindsay Haisley's Internet contribution.
- JC's ABC Tune Finder -- It has tunes in about any format you could wish - you can listen to
it in MIDI format, or print it out in PDF format, etc. Go, and try!!!
- Ceolas -- The home of celtic music on the internet, since 1994. Ceolas houses the largest online
collection of information on celtic music, and has links to hundreds of related sites. Current popularity is over half a million hits per month.
- Chordhouse -- If you want to know about chords you should go there. Shows what notes make up a chord, using a piano graphic.
